举起盾牌, Fenwick’s 8th annual day of giving, is coming soon!
Mark your calendars for this year’s 举起盾牌 - Fenwick’s 24-hour day of giving!
This year's goal of $275,000 will collectively fund the average financial aid award for 40 students. Every dollar raised goes directly to financial assistance for our families who need it.
本次在线筹款活动将于晚上9点开始.m. 2月. 21至9点.m. 2月. 22nd, 2024. 我们的目标是吸引全州的修士, the country and around the world in support of Fenwick.
我们做到了! 一天之内, over 700 members of our Fenwick Community came together to raise more than $250,000 and secure a Friars' education for many young men and women! 来自我们的学生, 在校家长, 未来的学校家长, 校友, 教职员工, we thank you for giving this life-changing opportunity to the families who will benefit from your generosity.
回归大众需求! 在举起盾牌一周的午餐时间, students will contribute coins to their own class' bucket to earn points and paper bills to other class buckets to deduct from their totals. The winning class will receive a dress-down day for their efforts!
举起盾牌 是一个以esball世博为中心的“送礼日”. This online fundraising event will be held in the spring of every year. 我们的目标是吸引全州的修士, the country and around the world in this support of Fenwick.
Gifts received from 举起盾牌 support the esball世博基金. 就像所有的esball世博基金(年度捐赠)捐款一样, your contributions during 举起盾牌 support tuition assistance for worthy students, as well as enhance the entire student experience through support of all academic departments, 美术课程, 学生活动, 和体育. 举起盾牌 dollars provide unrestricted support for Fenwick’s budget, without which Fenwick could not offer the first-class, 我们所做的变革经验.
绝对! Support from the ENTIRE Fenwick community is what makes our school a remarkable place! No matter what your connection is to Fenwick, your donation will be counted toward our 举起盾牌 目标.
If you would like to make your gift via a credit/debit card over the phone, 请联系Cindy Erwin, 年度捐赠主任,电话:(708)948-0324. If you would prefer to send us a check, please make it payable to esball世博 and put 举起盾牌 in the memo line, so we know to include it in our final totals.
You can spread the word about this great event on your social networks. Send emails to your friends and family, and direct them to this page. And on the day, use #RaiseTheShield on 脸谱网 and 推特.
Fenwick’s first ever 24-hour on-line day-of-giving was held 2月ruary 22, 2017. It was a rousing success with nearly 800 donors (not including current students) and $180,一天之内为esball世博基金筹集了5000美元! Since the first year, thousands of Friars have donated more than $1.100万美元支持我们的学生.
In 2017, the members of the class of 2016 had the highest number of donors, followed closely behind by the classes of 1974 and 1989.
In 2018, the members of the class of 2017 had the highest number of donors, followed closely behind by the classes of 2016 and 1982.
In 2019, the members of the classes of 1974 and 2018 tied for the highest number of donors.
In 2020, members of the Class of 1974 had the highest number of donors, 紧随其后的是2019届毕业生, 2018年和2017年.
In 2021, members of the Class of 1974 once again had the highest number of donors, 紧随其后的是1968届毕业生, 1989年和2019年.
In 2022, members of the Class of 1974 once again had the highest number of donors, 紧随其后的是1992届毕业生, 1968年和2003年.
In 2023, members of the Class of 1974 once again had the highest number of donors, 这已经是连续第五年了!
其目标是吸引全州的修士, the country and around the world in support of Fenwick. It also helped inspire some healthy competition among our 校友 classes! 举起盾牌 marketing was driven by videos and social media created and produced by current Fenwick students. 请 点击这里 观看首映预告片.
举起盾牌will only continue to grow in coming years as a community-wide event to express generosity to Fenwick for all it has meant to Friars and their families and friends.
Your gift strengthens the mission of esball世博—"to inspire excellence and educate each student to lead, 成就与服务"—and furthers the 800-year-old legacy of the four core spiritual values of the Dominicans.
For more information about 举起盾牌 and any other esball世博基金 opportunities, please contact Director of Annual 给 Katie Vanaria at kvavaria@impulz-mental.net or 708-948-0306.