
Ways to Give

    • Photo

List of 11 items.

  • Check

    Please make check payable to Fenwick High School. 邮寄至505华盛顿大道橡树公园,伊利诺伊州60302 att:机构进步
  • Credit and Debit Card

    Visa, Master Card, AmEx, Discover on-line to Make a Gift.
  • Donor Advised Fund

    Fenwick与一家名为Chariot的公司合作,可以轻松提交请求,将DAF捐赠给Fenwick. Click HERE to be directed to their secure platform. 有关esball世博捐助者建议基金的更多信息,请点击 HERE.
  • Stock Donations

    把增值股票作为礼物送给esball世博是一种非常省税的捐赠方式. 当你捐赠增值股票时,你可以避免资本利得税. In addition, if you’ve owned the stock for more than one year, 如果你逐项列出扣除额,你也许可以根据股票的全部公平市场价值进行慈善扣除额.

    We’ve invested in this secure online tool 它会给你一步一步的指导,告诉你如何捐款,这样你就可以最大限度地为esball世博大学的强大学术贡献自己的力量, spiritual, athletic, and service traditions. 所有关于esball世博的信息(包括非营利性EIN和经纪信息)将被提供-使过程变得容易, fast, and intuitive!


    Fenwick High School Tax ID# 36-1066828
    1. Electronic (DTC) Transfers
    你的经纪人应该把股票转到学校在BMO金融集团的账户上. Wire instructions for your broker follow:
    BMO Financial Group, Milwaukee DTC #0992

    Fenwick High School 61-1908-01-3
    Donor: (last name)
    Attn: Securities Movement
    2. Electronic (DTC) Transfers of Mutual Funds
    你的经纪人应该把共同基金转到学校在BMO金融集团的账户上. Wire instructions for your broker follow:
    Reliance Trust, Milwaukee DTC #5409
    FFC Client name; account number; donor information
    Please have your broker contact Katie Vanaria,, 708-948-0306,在esball世博通知他们你的礼物. Provide the following information:
    Donor name and address
    Name of security being transferred
    Number of shares
    Date of transfer

    如果您对股票捐赠有任何疑问,请联系Katie Vanaria,, 708-948-0306.
  • Cryptocurrency

    More Information
  • Recurring Gifts

    esball世博守护者是esball世博的月度捐赠项目. 监护人是慷慨和忠诚的捐助者,他们承诺每月通过信用卡或自动提款. Please visit Fenwick Guardian or contact Cindy Erwin, Director of Annual Giving or 708-948-0324 for more information.
  • Pledges

    同一会计年度(7月1日至6月30日)内可作出质押.g.在美国,每年的捐款承诺可以在秋天许下,希望在春天兑现. 或者可以做一个多年期的承诺,包括其中一个/两个 Fenwick Fund and/or the Centennial Capital Campaign. For example, 一个合计的承诺可能是这样的:10美元,000/year for five years (total of $50,000) to be evenly split between $5,000/year for the Fenwick Fund and $5,000/year for the Centennial Campaign.
  • Corporate Matching Gifts


    雇主赠送的配套礼物是你向esball世博展示礼物的绝佳方式 and 在您的捐赠记录中获得该匹配礼品的积分. 我们强烈建议你看看你的雇主是否有相应的礼物计划, and if so, 利用它来增加你给esball世博的礼物!

  • Event Participation

    esball世博的三个主要机构筹款活动是黑衣修士晚会, the Friar Classic Golf Outing and the Pass the Torch golf outing. 
  • Gifts-In-Kind

    Gifts of tangible property or services. 这些通常是特定项目或团队的特定物品或设备的礼物或拍卖物品,Fenwick可能会在与全年活动相关的几次拍卖中使用这些物品. 这也可以是一项专业服务,以减少或免费的方式提供给Fenwick.

    Per IRS regulations, 实物礼品将以捐赠信确认,信中描述了所提供的物品或服务,但不注明捐赠的美元价值. 这是由捐赠者和他/她的税务顾问来确定慈善捐赠的价值.
  • Courtyard Bricks

    支持esball世博的未来,在esball世博修士院留下你的印记. Custom bricks allow you to honor loved ones, acknowledge students, teachers and coaches, or commemorate an event.

    欲了解更多关于庭院砖的信息,请联系Katie M. Vanaria, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, or 708-948-0306.
Please see Planned Giving for other gifts of property (e.g., private securities, real estate, collectibles, etc.)、人寿保险、慈善信托、遗嘱和遗产等.

*esball世博不提供税务或法律建议. 请咨询您自己的税务和/或法律顾问之前作出任何慈善捐赠esball世博. Fenwick's federal tax ID is 36-1066828.

有关各种方式给予和/或任何关于esball世博的慈善努力的一般问题的更多信息, 请联系机构进步副总裁克里斯·里顿 or 708-948-0350.

Thank you for your support of Fenwick High School!

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